Use Cases

Examples of Salamander in Action

43rd Ryder Cup 2021

Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) accounted for response agencies at the 43rd Ryder Cup at the Whistling Straits in Haven, Wisconsin. Salamander was utilized to know who was at the event and what they were assigned to do.


Operation Thunderstruck 2021

Operation Thunderstruck 2021

Indiana and Kentucky came together to run a multi-state Full-Scale Exercise around the Jeffersonville, IN and Louisville, KY border to assess procedures in response to a Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack (CCTA).

An (Undisclosed) Police Department 1033 Program and Audit

To date, thousands of Federal, Tribal, State, and Local Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) have participated in the 1033 Program. These agencies have met specific criteria and have been approved to be active members. The 1033 Program allows agencies to access obsolete / unneeded excess property turned in by U.S. military units around the world. Property ranges from military-specific equipment and vehicles to generic office furniture, computers, medical items, and shop equipment.
